Hey entrepreneurs, business witches, and conscious leaders, let me ask you something…

What would it be like to experience pleasure, ease, and freedom in all facets of life and business?

To fully befriend and understand your body’s needs and communication?

To know you’re making the biggest impact with the least amount of work?

This is what’s possible when you rewire your brain and let your body lead.

One of the most liberating phrases I repeat to myself and my clients is ‘of course.’

Of course you believe x,y,z - all the systems around you were built for you to believe that.

Of course you have tied your productivity to your worth, because capitalism thrives on us operating this way.

You get the idea. I want you to know you can write a new ‘of course.’ While your brain has so cleverly crafted these old habituated patters of thinking and being, it can just as (and even more so) cleverly create new ones.

Practice an emotional state until it becomes a neural trait.

Yes, you can. And I’m here to show you how.

Life is going to life and our brains are going to brain.

And, you can build up such a vast toolkit, capacity, and embodied knowing so that when you hit big bumps in your journey, you spend little to no time knocked down, you’re clear on what to do next, and most importantly you don’t spiral in negative thoughts!

You commune with every part of yourself.

You feel confident.

Business and life occur as ease filled and clear.

You cultivate a new relationship with pleasure that, well… can be as delicious as you want.

You are electric!!! Thank you for what you’re putting out there, I feel a zing for life when I watch you on social media. It is so majorly rad seeing you standing in your power. HELL YES!

- Caitlin, long-time student

What are you ready to burn to the ground?

That anxiety you were previously experiencing…

That problem that felt so big and unsolvable…

That’s right. Your brain has been able to put it over there somewhere and has a newly paved pathway.

The usual triggers are significantly reduced if not gone.

And you have an entirely new relationship to yourself, your body, your emotions, and what’s possible.

I was so surprised by our first session! I knew I needed to talk to you, I just wasn’t clear about what. You brilliantly took this whole mess of here to there to everywhere, and brought it all into beautiful language. I don’t know how you did it, but you nailed it!
— Client Lindsey

Pillars of my Work

  • Embodiment

    As in allowing your physical and energetic bodies to be your primary guides. You learn and trust how to take cognitive information and embed it at the level of the heart. You are a breathing and living example of your values; you understand the language of your body and use it as your primary source of information.

  • Unconscious Mind Coaching

    Our human brains want to understand why, and how things got to be the way they are. We’ll work together to tap into your unconscious mind to understand the positive intention behind every thought, behavior, reaction. Because there is always a positive intention. We’ll pave new pathways for your neurons to create habits you desire.

  • Aligned Action

    I believe in doing the quiet, underground work for long stretches before anything external. While it’s ultimately always up to you, I’ll advise you on when it’s time to take bold, aligned action to move the needle.

Next Steps

Don’t you just hate when you’re interested in what someone is offering but you have no idea what the next step is to actually work with them?! Me too! I offer as much transparency as possible in what you can expect.

  • This form is designed to do two things:

    -Have you be in honest inquiry about how we can work together.

    -Help me ensure we’re a great fit.

    Use any of the booking links on my site to submit your form.

  • If you feel like a yes but have a few questions you’d still like answered, we can hop on a 20-minute call to sort these out.

  • When you have given me your yes to move forward, you’ll receive an invoice and link to schedule your sessions. You have 7 days to complete this.

  • I reserve 80% of my client load for full pricing and 20% of my client load for equity based pricing. This is available to those in marginalized communities, those with less-than-favorable currency exchange, and/or those whose income doesn’t support this work otherwise. Full pricing details are in the next drop down section.

  • $6,000 for initial four months; can be paid in full or monthly.

    This is for those with financial security, own property or have personal savings; you are able to borrow money or secure a loan easily; you’re able to spend on ‘wants’; Making this investment might mean you have to cut back on some discretionary spending and make short term sacrifices (meals out, travel, new clothing), but there is no long-term impact.

    Sliding Scale - Minimum of $4,000

    This is for those in historically marginalized communities; those with less-than-favorable exchange rates; have their basic needs met yet would need to save longer than 12 months to pay for this.

    $4,000 is the minimum investment and left to your discretion; can be paid in full or monthly.


  • If you’re a new client, I have a 4-month minimum commitment. The majority of my clients end up working with me for one to two years! We meet three weeks on, one week off (75 minute sessions) and unlimited text support in between.

  • After 4 months, absolutely. I really encourage this as it gives you time to integrate, notice where the gaps are and take some action. Once you’re an established client you can come back on a month-to-month basis any time.

  • Not at all. I have some delicious group offerings in the works which are great starting or touch points! 1:1 is where I pour the majority of my energy and resources for my clients but love offering group programs for accessibility.

  • I would say we’re not an ideal fit if:

    • you have a habit of signing up for programs expecting them to fix you

    • you want linear, bullet-pointed approach and to do’s

    • you’ve never done any type of personal development work

    • you have a diagnosis for bipolar disorder or personality disorder

  • Unless you are undergoing treatment for a serious mental health diagnosis, absolutely. I love my therapist, and have found that my work paired with additional support can be extremely beneficial.