Teaching women to dismantle the systems and beliefs that undermine their fullest potential.

And through pleasure and brain rewiring, create new ones that support their thriving.

Integrative Change Worker + Mentor

I see you. The woman who has built a life she really loves. You’ve got a job and/or business you love. You love your home. You love who you spend your time with.

And yet - you habitually think "I'm not X enough." Or you want to scream "I don't have time for this!"

You're left feeling worried, anxious, and fearful which in turn has you over-promising, saying yes when you mean no and worst of all, abandoning yourself.

Now imagine, you're able to feel ease, spaciousness, and choice. 

You know how to have your own back.

 And when shit does hit the fan (because hello being human), you have the tools to pause, observe, and adapt as needed.

Your communication is FIRE. You say what you mean, confidently and without apology.

You have rewired your brain to cultivate the habits that support you, your nervous system, and your desires. Your bank account is fat and your heart is full.

Hi! I’m Cristina.

My passion is in guiding women to lead pleasure-filled, values-driven, high impact lives - and making some serious bank while they do it. I work with women to dismantle the rules they no longer want to live by and create the life of their dreams. My work is rooted in wellness practices, mind-body integration and clear communication. My genius is multi-faceted and fueled by giving people structures that will radically alter the trajectory and quality of their lives.

Hire me for your next professional development day or workshop!

I thrive at the front of a room. Creating containers that facilitate powerful inquiry and conversation is my super power. Whether you have a team of 5 or 100, I’d love to guide your next team gathering.

  • Understand the early signs of burn out, why it happens, and how to utilize and tend to your nervous system to support your best work.

  • A habit is simply something done with repetition, thought with repetition or felt with repetition. Knowing how to strategically change the patterns of our brains is what allows us to make big change and shifts.

  • Sometimes we create goals that are just so big and nebulous our brain doesn’t know where to start. In tapping into our unconscious mind, Cristina is able to help you and your teammates decipher what your next smallest step is towards that big goal.